
Upcoming Events:

Worship Night

Monday, Sept. 30 @ Acts 29 (meeting at Forest City Church)

Start time: 7:00 PM

All are welcome!

There is no Pursuit YVR or Quest on Sept 30 & 31.

Past Events:

Turn Up!

Tuesday, August 6 @ Acts 29 (meeting at Forest City Church)

Start time: 6:45 PM

There is no Pursuit YVR or Quest this week, but we will be meeting as One Church this Tuesday at 6:45pm.

Invite: Open to All!

Teaching on “Christ Life”

Monday, July 29 @ Acts 29 (meeting at Forest City Church)

Start time: 6:45 PM

One Global

June 28 – 29

One and a half-day conference.

One Global is a church-based apostolic missions movement shaped by the biblical principle of “the way of Christ and his apostles.” One global is a network of simple churches. One Global is a team of apostolic leaders who are men and women on the move with a clear mission.

Friday June 28 @ Immanuel Church

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday June 29 @ Acts 29 (Forest City Church)

9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Lunch BBQ will be provided.